SIBOZyme No HCL (180 cápsulas vegetarianas) Respalda una digestión saludable en pacientes que buscan el equilibrio bacteriano del intestino delgado.* - Formulación exclusiva de la Dra. Mona Morstein
Por favor seleccione todas las opciones.
Pancreatina 8x
Bilis de buey
Amilasa (5.000 SKB/g)
Lactasa (50.000 ALU/g)
Maltasa (10.000 DP/g)
Sacarasa (10.000 Su/g)
Prolil endopeptidasa (Tolerasa-G)(Aspergillus niger)
ADVERTENCIA: Si está embarazada o amamantando, consulte a su médico antes de usar este producto.
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA Lote #S604A DOM febrero de 2023
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA LOT# S269A DOM marzo de 2022

The Priority One Difference
Our Quality PromiseThe product itself is really good but there are empty pills in it and it’s been very difficult to communicate with customer service on this issue. Another product I bought also has empty pills. :/ they’re great products but expensive and to have empty pills is frustrating let alone difficulty getting communication from customer service. :/
Our apologies please call our customer service 1-800-443-2039 and they will rectify this right away!
Very good product , helps me to digest foods that cause me to react
Would highly recommend