Vana Trace (120 cápsulas vegetarianas) Vana Trace es un suplemento de sulfato de vanadilo que mejora una respuesta saludable de la insulina y ofrece apoyo al metabolismo de la glucosa.
Por favor seleccione todas las opciones.
Vanadio (de sulfato de vanadilo)
ADVERTENCIA: Si está embarazada o amamantando, consulte a su médico antes de usar este producto.
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA Lote n.° S556A DOM noviembre de 2022
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA Lote n.° S095A DOM Octubre de 2021
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA Lote n.º R962A DOM agosto de 2021
Haga clic aquí para descargar COA Lote n.º R642A DOM febrero de 2021

The Priority One Difference
Our Quality PromiseRecent blood glucose test came back at 111. It was not a fasting test, but far enough away from a meal that it shouldn’t have been that high.
Despite virtually no simple carbs in my diet, I’ve been at that number, even fasting, before.
In a health blog comments section I read a diabetic man’s experience with vandal sulfate & with this Priority One brand of it specifically.
He said it was the only thing that kept him ahead on points in the sweet science of sugar boxing (my way of describing it - not his).
VS wasn’t mentioned in the article he was responding to, & nobody else said anything about it. As I found out, a little butterfly can flap his wings once, way over there, & develop into a rain storm wash away of the excess sugar here.
I started taking two capsules with a meal, usually breakfast. At the next test my blood glucose had dropped to 79.
Well, I have consumed 8 bottles. And then got budget-stopped, for awhile.
Just started bottle #9 on 9/7/24 - because it’s better for me to find a way to pay now than it is for me to be forced to pay a much higher price later - & I expect my blood glucose number to drop back down into range on the next test.