Events/ Shows

We look forward to seeing you at the following events we will be attending!
Please join us for information, samples, discounts & fantastic giveaways for attendees of our vitamin and supplement conferences.
Do you have an upcoming event you would like us to attend, such as an Open House or Grand Opening?  
Contact us here, we would love to provide samples and send a representative to join you. 

May 2025

5/2 - 5/3

CNPA Annual Summit
Where: Southbury, CT
Theme: Nourish to Flourish 

5/30 - 6/1  

AAMP Annual Spring Conference  
Where: Scottsdale, AZ    
Theme: Integrative Cardiology - Advanced Applications 

July 2025

7/10 - 7/12  

AANP Annual Conference 
Where: Greater Palm Springs, CA    
Theme: TBD